Dear LCLAA members, allies and friends,
Each year on Workers Memorial Day, working people throughout the world pause to remember those who were hurt or killed on the job. We honor them, and redouble our our efforts to ensure no one should have to put their lives on the line to bring home a paycheck. It’s a time where workers and employers come together and create a safer workplace for all of our brothers and sisters in the labor force. Year after year, LCLAA has been on the forefront of demanding better working conditions and better safety protections for Latino workers. Latinos continue to be exposed and forced to work in unsafe conditions because greedy profit driven corporations view our brothers and sisters as cheap disposable labor. LCLAA strongly supports policies and legislation that strengthen workplace safety for Latinos. As a result, our last two reports entitled “Trabajadoras 2012: Challenges and Conditions of Latina Workers,”and “2011 Latino Workers in the United States“ found that Latinos are the most vulnerable workers in the labor force. It’s no surprise that Latino workers continue to be at a higher risk of dying on the job, working in some of the most dangerous industries. This is especially true for our undocumented brothers and sisters, who are more vulnerable to exploitation due to their status.
Together we can honor and pay tribute to those who have lost their lives on the job by making sure we end the unnecessary injuries and deaths of our brothers and sisters. LCLAA will continue our campaigns to empower, educate and mobilize our community for a fair and just workplace. We ask you to visit our website and learn how you can join our campaigns.
Resources: AFL-CIO Death on the Job Report 2013 Workers Memorial Week of Actions Occupational Safety and Health Administration
In Solidarity,
LCLAA National |
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